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2004-02-17 [長年日記]

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[url=http://www.stainedglass-shop.com/pages/church2.html]stainedglass-shop.com/pages/church2.html[/url]<br>Back to Main MenuCelebrationsFraud PreventionManage Your AdPlace an AdLINNDALE, Ohio Criminal defense lawyer Ashlee McLaughlin, a lifelong resident of minuscule Linndale, was sworn in as mayor of the tiny village Tuesday night, taking over for longtime mayor Jo Ann Toczek, who resigned due to health reasons.Linndale has a population of 179 and covers less than a square mile. It subsisted for years on money it pulled in from a speed trap on Interstate 71. Lawmakers tried for years to shut it down and finally succeeded in eliminated the notorious Mayor's Court (you now need 200+ residents to have one.)Linndale's police still ticket I 71 speeders, but the village gets a much smaller share of the revenue as the cases are heard in Parma Municipal Court. Despite losing one appeal so far, the village continues its legal battle to restore the Mayor's Court.Since the law mandated that the Mayor's Court close, the police chief, the clerk of courts (Michael Toczek, a former mayor and husband of the recently resigned mayor) and now the mayor have stepped down. Other employees were laid off.The village, which had offered premium health benefits to employees when the leadfoot money flowed in, now offers no benefits. But it is still hiring more part time and auxiliary police to complement the three full time officers it has.Still, the ticket money is the village's single biggest source of revenue.Retired Judge Diane Karpinski swears in Ashlee McLaughlin as mayor of LinndalePDMcLaughlin, 34, was sworn in in the wood paneled village hall lobby that doubles as City Council chambers by retired Judge Diane Karpinski, whom she worked for as a law student.Her first order of business was to report that large legal bills for the challenge to restore Mayor's Court are coming due.McLaughlin assumes power months after she joined an effort to oust Toczek via recall petition. The Board of Elections ruled that because the village has no charter, there was no recall option. McLaughlin will be paid just under $1,200 per month.Mclaughlin said she has no problem with Linndale police enforcing the speed limit on I 71, which runs for 422 yards through Linndale's borders."It really is a public safety issue," she said.In addition to appeals, some residents want her to boost population, perhaps with new housing, to climb back over the 200 resident bar that would allow a mayor's court. She's considering it, but "it's not necessarily the first order of business."She's also pushing for a charter to make government more structured and is advocating an increase in the income tax rate from 2 to 2.5 percent. The city currently takes in less than the $18,000 per month it has in expenses, she said.Linndale haters, mostly folks who were caught in police radar cross hairs, believe the village which has some really rough spots ought to just dissolve. McLaughlin said that won't happen."You can't imagine how quaint this place is. Everyone knows everyone," she said. "I'd hate to see that go."

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[url=http://www.wildernessmiaplesyrup.com/ralphuk.html]wildernessmiaplesyrup.com/ralphuk.html[/url]<br>Lawyers for the homeowners and the Tower developers, the K Group, engaged in a spirited hearing Monday in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. At the conclusion, Judge John O scheduled the two week trial for May 28.would it take to get you to settle? O asked the lawyers.million and change to fix the leaky condos and pay the attorneys fees, said Andrew Kabat, lead lawyer for the homeowners.K attorney Tom Rosenberg said the damaged condos could be fixed for much less money, but Kabat criticized the development company chief executive officer, Doug Price, for not taking the high road and repairing the damages.Price can afford to pay $2.5 million for a new yacht, but he doesn have the money to fix Stonebridge, Kabat said, alluding to Price luxury boat docked at the Mentor Harbor Yacht Club.Only an intervention by the Ohio Supreme Court could delay the trial. Attorneys for K and Price have asked the Supreme Court to overturn a decision by the 8th Ohio District Court of Appeals that allowed the case to move forward to trial.Kabat ruled the possibility of a further delay of a case filed in 2011.would make these people wait for more than four years on a building that nobody disputes is defective, Kabat said.The lawsuit claims negligent design, poor construction and multiple defects resulted from fraud and bribe paying by the developers.They also accuse The K Group of concocting a set of drawings designed to hide suspected design flaws from Cleveland building inspectors.In court documents, K and Price acknowledge that water infiltration has damaged the building's facade, but deny the existence of fake drawings or allegations of design defects.The Towers are part of a three building complex that also includes office space and apartments.Purchase prices of the 117 privately owned condos in the 12 story tower off the Superior Viaduct ranged from $120,000 to $700,000, and most have sustained water damage since 2005, according to the lawsuit. K owns 43 units in the tower, which it rents.

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