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In Europe, the United Kingdom remains the number one market for San Francisco, with more than 300,000 visitors in 2011, a nine percent increase over 2010. Germany is a close second with 275,000 visitors in 2011, representing an 8.5 percent increase over 2010. The third largest European market is France with 265,000 visitors in 2011, an eight percent increase from 2010. In May 2012, XL Airways France launched new twice weekly direct air service into San Francisco International Airport (SFO) from Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG), which should positively impact the number of visitors from France in 2012 and beyond. For additional information on this new air service into SFO, which will continue through Sept. 8, 2012, visit .Asia is the second largest overseas market for San Francisco, representing more than 800,000 visitors in 2011. Nearly a quarter of these visitors came from China, which represents an 18.2 percent market share for San Francisco. Oceania is the third largest overseas market for San Francisco. In 2011, San Francisco welcomed 228,000 visitors from Australia, representing a 22 percent market share. The fourth largest overseas market for San Francisco is South America, with 169,000 visitors in 2011, an increase of nearly 45 percent over 2010. Brazil is the largest South American market for San Francisco, which welcomed 94,000 visitors in 2011, an increase of 50 percent over 2010. The continued growth in the overseas market is a positive sign that our economy is improving and that San Francisco continues to be a desirable destination for both business and leisure travelers, said Joe D'Alessandro, San Francisco Travel president and CEO. We are extremely fortunate to have been the host city for the U.S. Open in June of this year and look forward to welcoming the America's Cup World Series later this summer and the America's Cup in 2013, which will attract even more visitors to San Francisco. The new America's Cup World Series, featuring all of the America's Cup competitors, will be held in San Francisco Aug. 21?€?26 and Oct. 4?€?7, followed by the Louis Vuitton Cup July 4?€?Sept. 1, 2013, finishing with the America's Cup Finals Sept. 7 22, 2013. The international market represents nearly 20 percent of San Francisco's total visitors, which was 16.35 million in 2011, an increase of 2.7 percent from 2010. These visitors spent $8.46 billion in 2011, up 9.8 percent from the previous year. The Tourism team at San Francisco Travel works very closely with San Francisco International Airport to promote San Francisco internationally as one of the most appealing destinations in the world, said Tom Kiely, executive vice president, Tourism for San Francisco Travel. We are confident that these international marketing efforts, which include an aggressive travel schedule to maintain and develop relationships with new and existing airlines and tour operators, as well as international media, will result in continued growth of overseas visitors to San Francisco. The tourism industry generated $526 million in taxes for the City of San Francisco, up 8.6 percent from the previous year. Tourism supported 71,403 jobs in 2011 with an annual payroll of $2.06 billion. In 2011, there was an average of 129,499 visitors in San Francisco each day. Visitor spending equated to $23.19 million daily (including spending related to meetings and conventions).# # #The San Francisco Travel Association is the official tourism marketing organization for the City and County of San Francisco. For information on reservations, packages, activities and more, visit /onlyinsf. Follow OnlyinSF on Twitter at twitter/onlyinsf.American Express® is the official Card partner for the San Francisco Travel Association.San Francisco International Airport (SFO) offers non stop flights to more than 31 international points and more than 70 non stop cities in the U.S. For up to the minute information on the Bay Area's largest airport, visit # # #Note to editors: Photos and press releases are available at www.sanfrancisco.travel/media/Haystack Information Discovery (HAYSTACKID) achieves Safe Harbor Certification for European Union and Switzerland [url=http://barbourjackets.11denmarkstreet.co.uk/]cheap barbour jackets online[/url]<br> <br>mcm backpack uk<br>ugg sale uk<br>burberry sale uk
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Founded in 1990, the company continues to expand geographi 990, Mackenzie Keck Construction has grown from its New Jersey roots to offer national and global general contracting, construction management and consulting services for upscale retail and other enterprises. Mackenzie Keck's projects have included industries such as apparel, furnishings, fashion and beauty, spas and hospitality, restaurants and galleries, corporate interiors and other sectors.###X1 Series Fashion Handbags Promotion from Topbrandblog [url=http://ugguk.discountsbootssale.co.uk/]cheap ugg uk[/url]<br> <br>[url=http://ugguk.discountsbootssale.co.uk/]discount cheap ugg boots uk[/url] Los Angeles, CA August 16, 2013 Premier Digital Publishing is pleased to announce an author event at Barnes & Noble on Monday, August 19th with New York Times Notable author, Greg Dinallo. Mr. Dinallo will be reading and signing copies of this latest thriller, The German Suitcase. In The German Suitcase, Mr. Dinallo has crafted a novel of suspense and intrigue that is part WWII thriller and part modern day mystery. Partly derived from personal professional experience, partly inspired by the unyielding will to survive exhibited by victims of Nazi oppression and the ambiguous moral choices many were forced to make, the book's subject matter and characters are very close to my heart, said Mr. Dinallo.Greg Dinallo's previous novels, Rockets' Red Glare, Touched By Fire, Purpose of Evasion, Final Answers, and Red Ink have earned him accolades as a suspense pro from The Chicago Tribune; The New York Times heralded his sharp insight into character, proclaiming, Mr. Dinallo makes us believe .For additional information on the event, please visit: store locator.barnesandnoble/event/80911 .About The German Suitcase:A vintage suitcase is pulled from the trash by a young New York advertising executive brainstorming a campaign on her way to work. The account is Steinbach Luggage, the German answer to Louis Vuitton and Hermes. There's only one problem with the vintage bag?€?like Steinbach's CEO, it's a Holocaust survivor, as evidenced by the name and other personal data painted on it. It is hallowed memorabilia, and no one dares open it until they can determine if the is owner still alive. The holocaust survivor turns out to be an 89 year old member of New York's Jewish aristocracy, a prominent philanthropist and surgeon. When he gives his consent, the documents found inside the suitcase pique the interest of a New York Times reporter whose investigation begins to unravel a devastating secret that has been locked away since the day Dachau was liberated.The German Suitcase is a unique WWII thriller focusing on the Nazi doctors who were conscripted by the SS and given the task of carrying out Hitler's Final Solution. It is a fascinating tale of survival of the human spirit against overwhelming odds and wrenching moral ambiguity.About The Author:Greg Dinallo began his wide ranging career in the professional design world in Manhattan where his photography and museum exhibit design projects gradually evolved into film making endeavors. When one of his film shorts won an award at the Chicago Film Festival in 1973, Dinallo was seized with the urge to move to Los Angeles where he launched a successful second career as a writer for television and film. By 1983, his success in Hollywood enabled him to embark on his third career, as a novelist, which he pursued concurrently with television writing. He lives in Greenwich Village, NY with his wife, Gloria.About Premier Digital Publishing: Premier Digital Publishing is a leading independent digital publisher and innovator in eBooks, enhanced eBooks and interactive content. 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