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According to Rodeo Drive Resale co founder Raya Jaffer, Coach offers luxury design at a competitive price. Coach represents quality and a designer look at a price much lower than other designer bags of a similar value. 2)Louis Vuitton ?€? Every luxury bag lover has their preference, but most agree: When it comes to style and status, few brands can match the reputation of this French fashion label. Vintage Louis Vuitton bags, wallets and accessories have become the gold standard for sophistication, and as the label looks to maintain its position as the premier fashion brand among China's growing luxury market, demand for LV, founded in 1854, remains as strong as ever. Because of their uncompromising selling strategy (LV has not had sale markdowns on their items for over 154 years), midrange shoppers looking for a deal flock to sites such as ShopRDR, which offer buyers the opportunity to buy or sell 100% authentic designer handbags at a fraction of the cost.3)Chanel ?€? Founded in the early 20th century by fashion visionary Gabrielle Coco Chanel, Chanel bags and accessories are adored for their elegance and versatility. The Chanel 2.55 shoulder bag was first released in 1955, after Coco decided she needed a bag to free up her hands. Updated in 2006, the bag remains wildly popular among Chanel lovers around the world. 4)Gucci ?€?Exclusive, luxurious and instantly recognizable, Gucci, established in 1921, has become a status symbol for the rich and powerful. Worn by such iconic figures as Hollywood starlet Elizabeth Taylor and former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, the Italian company's line of timeless handbags continue to resonate with buyers of upscale fashion, as the Gucci Hobo Bag has become a fast favorite among brand loyalists.5)Longchamp ?€? Rounding out the list of most searched handbag brands is Longchamp, a French leather and luxury goods company founded in 1948. People love the simplicity of Longchamp, Raya says. It is impeccably made of the highest quality leathers and textiles but has a very subtle look. It is not flashy, or logo covered which is more common with Coach bags. In addition to handbags, the company also produces clothing, scarves, and similar fashion accessories.Brand new or pre owned, Prada, Hermes and Marc Jacobs handbags also rank high among the world's most searched luxury fashion accessories. As the year inches closer toward the holiday season, Raya says searches of these brands will likely increase, with many top designers offering more reasonable prices to buyers hoping to build their luxury collection. Expect to see the rise of the brand savvy shopper this holiday season, particularly when it comes to high end fashion. Designers like Coach and Gucci, once considered elite fashion among midrange shoppers, have become much more affordable in recent years, she says. ABOUT RODEO DRIVE RESALEWith over a decade of experience, Rodeo Drive Resale specializes in buying, selling, and consignment of authentic couture fashions. Buy, sell or consign favorite luxury designers such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, St. John Knits, David Yurman, Christian Louboutin, Tiffany &amp; Co. and more. All items are guaranteed 100% authentic. Visit RDR online at or 5.Online Consignment Shopping Catapults to a New Level as Consignment Chic, LLC Expands [url=http://mcmbagsuk.org.uk/]mcm store london[/url]<br> <br>cheap barbour jackets<br>burberry outlet uk<br>mcm backpack

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Baronoff, CEO John Hanna and CEO of European Operations Roberto Bré, who collectively hold nearly seven decades of experience in innovation, brand building, brand management, licensing, distribution and retail operations in the industries of fashion and luxury goods. Their prior experience includes work with the highest profile luxury and mass market brands in the world. Founders:<ul class="releaseul"> Chairman Elena A. Baronoff: Serial entrepreneur and global marketing executive for licensed luxury brands in the real estate industry, such as Trump and Lalique. CEO John Hanna: Previously served as CEO of The House of Lloyd Klein, where he created five diffusion labels, and CEO of The Fashion House, a company focused on the design, manufacturing and sales of footwear and leather goods with licenses for iconic brands such as Richard Tyler, Oscar De La Renta, Isaac Mizrahi, Bill Blass and Nicole Miller. CEO of European Operations Roberto Bré: Decades of experience as an executive at mass and luxury fashion companies such as Folli Follie and Mantero Seta, where he led innovation and managed relations with the most influential luxury fashion houses in the world including Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Christian Dior, Prada, Ferragamo, Pucci and Ralph Lauren.About the LicenseMarie Claire is a lifestyle brand that developed from the exceptional popularity of the leading upscale women's fashion magazine of the same name. In Asia and Australia, Marie Claire has become a leading brand in fashion, beauty and home décor generating over USD $350 million at retail each year. PrivateCollection&amp;Co is working to expand this success into the U.S. and Mexican markets by establishing key licensing and distribution agreements. The brand primarily targets urban, educated, working women aged 25 to 35 with mid to high income levels. For more information about the brand and licensing opportunities, visit . PrivateCollection&amp;Co is currently in discussions with licensees that will introduce Marie Claire branded products in the U.S. and Mexican markets in the product categories of leather goods, eyewear, watches and jewelry, ready to wear, intimates, sportswear, bed linen, bath linen, wallpapers, carpets, kitchen and tableware, furniture, stationery and calendars. Brand extensions in development include licenses for hotels, spas and cafes. PrivateCollection&amp;Co is a collaboration of fashion and luxury brand strategists who have a passion for building global brands. We are all entrepreneurs and our professional successes have enabled us to pursue this opportunity to be catalysts for worldwide brand expansion, said Elena Baronoff, Chairman of PrivateCollection&amp;Co, We are very excited to announce our official company launch with the Marie Claire brand and look forward to announcing our first licensing partners in the weeks and months to come. ###About PrivateCollection&amp;CoIncorporated in 2010 and officially launched to the public in 2013 with offices in Florida and Paris, PrivateCollection&amp;Co is a brand architecture company focusing on brand management, licensing, distribution and development of vertical retail operations for brands with untapped potential for global expansion. The company launched as the brand architecture partner and exclusive licensing representative for Marie Claire in the U.S. and Mexico. For more information, please visit .Servcorp Opens Two Houston Executive Suites [url=http://casualwinterjackets.co.uk/]cheap barbour jackets uk[/url]<br> <br>[url=http://casualwinterjackets.co.uk/]barbour mens jacket[/url] October 20, 2012 On Oct. 20, 2012, Topbrandblog, a popular fashion handbag supplier, announces its Fashion Handbag Collection will be released next Tuesday. Alisa Carpenter, CEO of Openup Design, said, All the K2 series fashion handbags are featured as: rich fabrics, fine tailor, and free shipping. Every woman like fashion handbags, especially some top handbags from a luxury brand outlet, like a Gucci outlet. Also, most women can become excited when it comes to the topic of fashion handbags. But actually, most fashion bags are not affordable for most white collars. The K2 Fashion Handbags from Topbrandblog is to help people grab eyesights with handbags at acceptable prices.Alisa Carpenter, said, &quot;We have more than 6 years experience in the handbag industry, and own a Louis Vuitton outlet. We understand what are the latest fashion and what a woman need. Each season has its own color style. People can know a lot of information about luxury handbags at our website. We will absolutely give you a good shopping experience. &quot;We recommend that customers should compare K2 Fashion Handbags with other suppliers' products first before making a shopping decision. The Internet is definitely a great invention in this world. We supply guests with the most exciting products in the fashion industry. Furthermore, we also possess a top quality guarantee service.&quot; Continued Alisa Carpenter.About TopbrandblogAs a leading provider of fashion handbags, and consistently ranked Top 3 on numerous review sites, Topbrandblog offers high quality products at affordable prices, and their customer service is a top priority.For more details, please visit /Spring Sale Spectacular - Save up to 40 Percent on New Designer Markdowns [url=http://mcmbagsuk.org.uk/]mcm bags uk[/url]<br> <br>burberry sale uk<br>discount uggs<br>uggs sale uk

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[url=http://mcmbagsuk.org.uk/]mcm duffle bag[/url]<br> <br>[url=http://mcmbagsuk.org.uk/]mcm clutch[/url] Philadelphia, PA October 10, 2012 Specialty women's clothing brand, Free People, will open two new boutiques in California this October. Already boasting nine stores regionally, the brand is slated to open at Santa Monica Place on October 12th, followed by Westfield Century City on October 26th. The openings come just in time for holiday, and will be the brand's final store openings for 2012. The 1,700 sq. ft. space in Santa Monica will be the first Free People boutique to feature a beach shack design concept, created for the outdoor mall location. Wood siding, exposed stud walls, and handmade solid brass signage are some of the décor details built to weather naturally over time, creating an authentic bungalow vibe. The brand's Intimately Free People collection will debut under a pitched beach shack roof, accented with lace fabric walls and a teak cabinet housing must have slips, bras, undies, bodysuits, layering tops, and lounge jackets. Meanwhile, the 1,900 sq. ft. boutique at Westfield Century City will be designed in the brand's Blacksmith Cottage concept using found materials and rustic touches, such as reclaimed beadboard, a back wall of brightly colored yarns, and fitting rooms built with exposed 2x4 walls. The design theme is meant to make the space feel like a studio that the Free People girl has discovered and made her own by adding found materials, art, and a feminine touch. Both stores will kick off with celebratory events on opening day. The first 50 customers at each location will receive a complimentary Free People iPhone case. The boutiques will open with a fall merchandise selection in which customers can expect to find great dresses, sweaters, denim, and intimates. As we move into the holiday season, the stores will maintain that assortment while filling up with everything shimmering and bright. The brand's collection of holiday dresses is as outstanding as ever, with designs for every woman seeking something to set her apart from the crowd. Free People will also be the must stop shop for unique and eclectic gifts. Highlights this season include an amazing assortment of adorned iPhone cases, artisan candy canes, holiday stockings, and more. The Santa Monica store is located at 395 Santa Monica Place, Santa Monica, CA 90401. Store hours will run Monday Saturday 10am 9pm, and Sunday 11am 8pm, and the store's telephone number will be (310) 255 1956. Fans should also like the store on Facebook to stay up to date on all of the latest arrivals, events, and other happenings ( /FreePeopleSantaMonicaPlace). The LA store is located at 10250 Santa Monica Blvd, B 21 Westfield Century City, Los Angeles, CA 90067. Store hours will run Monday Saturday 10am 9pm, and Sunday 12pm 7pm, and the store's telephone number will be (310) 556 5492. Fans can like the LA store on Facebook as well to stay up to date on latest arrivals, events, and other happenings ( /FreePeopleCenturyCity).###About Free PeopleFree People is a specialty clothing brand featuring the latest trends and vintage collections for women who live free through fashion, art, music and travel. The bohemian look consists of quality apparel, shoes, and accessories that invoke attributes of femininity, spirit, and creativity with its design. Free People is distributed globally via direct channels such as the Free People US site and the soon to launch Free People UK site, as well as specialty boutiques, top department stores, and the brand's own free standing retail locations in the U.S. and Canada. About Santa Monica Place Santa Monica Place delivers three levels of exciting retail and dining. From the West Coast's only SoHo concept Bloomingdale's to an innovative Nordstrom concept store and an array of the city's best shops ?€?Louis Vuitton, Burberry Brit, kitson, Barneys Co op, Tory Burch, Tiffany &amp; Co. and more ?€? Santa Monica Place is the epicenter of relaxed, celebrity inspired style. This three level, all open air shopping and dining destination located just two blocks from the beach adjacent to the iconic Third Street Promenade, where high end fashion meets accessible styles for a pitch perfect, relaxed California vibe. The rooftop Dining Deck is dedicated to food experiences?€? with ocean and city views, chef driven restaurants, a modern, indoor outdoor food court, and even a selection of fresh and gourmet food purveyors, kitchens and cafes house in The Market. To get the latest news about Santa Monica Place, visit or 0 260 8333.About Macerich Macerich is a fully integrated self managed and self administered real estate investment trust, which focuses on the acquisition, leasing, management, development and redevelopment of regional malls throughout the United States. Additional information about Macerich can be obtained from the Company's website at .About Westfield Century CityWestfield Century City delivers the best outdoor lifestyle experience in Los Angeles from beginning to end through gold standard customer services and amenities, international luxury brands, a range of culinary delights, the alfresco Dining Terrace, along with signature events and entertainment, creating a unique day to night destination. Anchored by Macy's, Bloomingdale's and AMC / IMAX 14 offering reserved seating, over 130 specialty stores, and 10 sit down restaurants, it offers everything that a sophisticated and pampered customer wants. It is a place to shop, dine, socialize and be treated like a welcomed guest with every visit creating a lasting connection. Shopping Hours are Monday ?€? Saturday 10am ?€? 9pm and Sunday 12pm ?€? 7pm. For more information 0 277 3898 or log onto /centurycity.About WestfieldThe Westfield Group (ASX: WDC) is an Australian based company with interests in 111 shopping centers in Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. In the U.S., the Group has a portfolio of 48 shopping centers that are home to more than 8,000 specialty stores and comprise approximately 57 million square feet of leasable space in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and Washington.How Cleaning Out Your Designer Closet Can Earn You Serious Cash [url=http://mcmbagsuk.org.uk/]mcm backpack uk[/url]<br> <br>burberry scarf sale<br>cheap barbour jackets uk<br>mcm rucksack

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( ●≧ω≦ゞ) Aly Chiman (2018-10-18 12:18)

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( ●≧ω≦ゞ) Aly Chiman (2018-11-21 21:59)

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  1. Graig (11-27)
  2. Jacquelyn (11-25)
  3. Tahlia (11-22)
